Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr
The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport assumed patronage for the mobilitython at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022.
The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport assumed patronage for the mobilitython at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022.
With DLG as cooperation partner, the prototype.club organizes the DLG.prototype.club for EuroTier and Agritechnica.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture took over the patronage for the DLG.prototype.club at EuroTier/ Energy Decentral 2022.
German transmission system operator TransnetBW took part in the Enerthon 2021 hosted by prototype.club. Their final conclusion on the developer sprint: a complete success!
Securing the first place in the TransnetBW challenge at the Enerthon 2021, CoVerified won a follow-up contract, €4,000 in prize money and ultimately their work being displayed at HANNOVER MESSE.
Max Brüggemann made first place in the powercloud speed hackathon 2022. He considers speed hackathons a good opportunity to try things out and gain many new impressions.